If you venture near the practice range at a PGA Tour event, you will see a black shaft with an orange ball on the end of it sticking out of a lot of PGA Tour players’ golf bags.
It’s called the Orange Whip and it’s one of the most popular training aids in golf.
Today, PGA Tour veteran member Larry Rinker shows how to properly work with the Orange Whip if you are a low-core, medium-core or upper-core player.
As Larry like to point out, 75 percent of his students are upper-core players and nearly all players over the age of 60 are upper core players.
The value of the Orange Whip is that it will really give you an ideal of what lag in the golf swing feels like. It is whippy and heavy so it forces the player to “wait” on it to load and the weight of the Whip forces a player to let the Whip “fall” into the proper path in the golf swing.
If you haven’t tried one of these, you really should. They are great to practice with and you an work with it standing in your driveway, you don’t even have to drive to the course or the range.
You’ll be even more effective with it if you watch Larry explain how to properly practice with it.
So click on today’s video and maybe ask Santa for an Orange Whip for Christmas.
To learn more about Larry Rinker’s Orlando golf school, click on this link to his website: