Golf Is Safe - Time To Re-Open Courses Around The USA - Dog Leg News

About the author

Tom Edrington

Tom Edrington spent the first 10 years of his misguided youth as a sports writer for the Tampa Tribune. His career brought him face to face with many of sports greatest stars -- Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Muhammad Ali, Don Shula, countless Hall of Fame NFL stars, more PGA Tour players than he can count. In 1980 he was honored by the Golf Writers Association of America for writing the best news story that year, his coverage of Jack Nicklaus' U.S. Open victory at Baltusrol. Today, 36 years later, golf is still a great part of his life, thanks to competitive playing days and the wonderful people he has met on this fabulous journey.

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    Hi Tom,

    Hope you are well. Could not agree more with your article.

    I’m very fortunate my club never shut the courses down, although the indoor hitting bays and facility were and remain closed. The pool noodle gadgets replaced the raised cups this past week. I lost a few strokes when the raised cups went by the wayside!

    No guests and one person per cart for the time being. I’ve noticed a lot of walkers on the course and also a few people tailgating with a drink post round (against the rules but doesn’t seem to be actively enforced).

    Waiting for the club’s bar and food venues to reopen but no word or hints yet. State is on lockdown until May 15 and who knows about that? Have to think the bars and restaurants whose livelihoods depend on it have war gamed out pretty thoroughly how they can make things work but stay safe.

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      Tom Edrington

      Great that folks can get out, good to see walkers; Problem with this country is most players probably aren’t capable of walking nine holes!! Played nine yesterday with a fourth-year med student who believes that deaths are being hyped more than recoveries; believes it’s not as serious a major media networks area leading us….

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        baxter cepeda

        Imo deaths are being hyped because too many people still do not see the gravity of the situation.

        There is no way we are in this quarantine position, especially with a business oriented president, if it wasn’t serious.

        The biggest mistake by officials was telling the world early on that younger people are not in as big a risk; which really slowed our progress from the get go.

        People are dying at a much higher rate than the flu.

        Tom, I don’t know about Sweden (apples and oranges). sweeden is more like Hawaii Alone than all of America. It’s somewhat isolated and the population is manageable.

        If America let this go, the numbers would be overwhelming. For most of us it would be morbid images on tv, bad enough, but for rescuers it would be overwhelming, traumatic, and dangerous.

        How can people not see this ?

        I get Who am I to disagree with a Med Student but I am a man…I’m 40! (Almost). And we have a nurse in the family.


          Tom Edrington

          If they released the demographic of those who haven’t survived, it would be interesting to see the number over 75 with other serious medical conditions; In the Tampa Bay area, most of the deaths are at skilled nursing facilities, if you’ve ever been inside of one, it’s easy to understand.

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    baxter cepeda

    Imo Kudos to the leaders in all those states for holding strong for health and safety despite the mounting financial pressures.

    While golf can be safer than most activities, Literally everyone in society is finding ways to justify resuming their business or industry.

    The fact is every industry increases risks by resuming, regardless of precautions, and golf is no different.

    Fast food thinks it’s all good if they deliver; when in Hawaii at least one of the biggest outbreaks happened at a mcdonalds. All it takes is one sick teen back there.

    Even with all the precautions golfers are still at risk.

    Golf is very different from walking. You can walk anywhere. During a round of golf, we Start and end each hole in the exact same spot. We all have to come close to the ground to tee up and to pick up the ball, not to mention cleaning and lining up on the green. That’s 36 times we all end up in the same place.

    If someone is dropping virus Around the tee boxes and holes, it is very possible to get infected.

    Personally when My fam get back on the course, courses are still closed here for now, we will find an underutilized practice area and get to work.

    But as for playing where everyone else plays, as the memes say, I’m gonna let y’all test the air first.


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      Tom Edrington

      I see Sweden never shut down, they simply sheltered the most vulnerable; Their death rate is about same as ours compared to population; Less than 11 million in the entire country…

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