Ken Venturi once said that bad shots are a result of bad lines.
What he meant was bad body lines, as in improper alignment.
When tour players are off, typically the problem is in their setup — their body lines are off.
Go to a tour event and watch players on the range — they all use alignment sticks. If you don’t already have them, get some. Here’s a quick tip on how to save some money. Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and buy driveway markers for $2 each as opposed to $6 to $10 each for those “official” alignment sticks marketed at golf shops.
Tiger Woods likes to use just one. He places it just outside the toe of the club, pretty much on his target line and in golf, the most important line is the target line. Another alternative is to place the alignment stick in front of the ball, directly on your target line.
You can also use the sticks for your foot lines, left of the target for a normal shot or you can create a target path with two sticks, as shown in the above photo.
You can also use them on the practice putting green to create a path the hole to help with alignment.
Use these sticks and you’ll have more productive practice sessions.
Use them!