In today’s lesson, C.D. will talk about the all-important set-up position, proper posture and weight-transfer in the golf swing.
Today, I’ll be talking about the set-up or address position along with the correct weight distribution at address and throughout the swing.
I am going to discuss this lesson for right-handers and if your left-handed just reverse the numbers .
1. Try to attain the best athletic posture at the ball that makes you feel comfortable.
2. What I mean by comfortable, at address you should feel light, free , not heavy , not bound to the ground.
3. Quality posture allows you to have good footwork. Which is critical for correct weight distribution throughout your golf swing.
At address or your set-up position, here are some important factors:
Your stock weight distribution should be 50-50 equally on both feet with the weight distributed on the balls of your feet not excessively on your heels or excessively on your toes.
Here’s a checkpoint for you. You should be able to bounce lightly at address giving you that light feeling.
As you start your backswing making your pivot to your right side, about 70% of your weight should be distributed on your right side. It’s not 80 , 90, or 100 only about 70 percent.
Here is a checkpoint note:
At the top of your backswing your weight should be on the inside of your right foot slightly back towards the right heel. This is a very important position.
Now as you start your transition on your downswing the weight starts to shift and turn or turn and shift to your left side.
At impact your weight distribution should be 80-20 — 80 left side 20 right side. This is an area that a lot of amateurs struggle to attain.
At your finish you should be 90-10 in a very balanced position.
If you find yourself struggling to attain the finished position go back to your address position and check your posture and your weight distribution.
I’ve never seen a good player not have a good foot work. Example — Bubba Watson is an outstanding golfer and extreme natural feel player. Try to remember he is not the rule he’s the exception to the rule.
Work on your set up at address position and you’ll start to play better golf. All quality golfers start their golf swing from the ground up not top down.
I suggest you take many practice swings until you can get your balance just right.
Stay tuned!